Mount Ramelau Eco-Trail Sustainable Management Plan

USAID’s ‘Tourism For All’ Project is working with the Government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) to diversify its economy, using an inclusive sustainable approach to stimulate eco-friendly community-Nbased More… tourism in line with the 2017 National Tourism Policy, promoting the country’s valuable natural and cultural assets, while preserving its unique environmental, social and cultural heritage.
Three (of 46) protected areas (PA’s), sites of particular biodiversity, ecological, historical and cultural interest were selected for the development of sustainable management practices as examples for other regions across the nation. They are Ataúro Island, Cristo Rei and Tatamailau (‘Grandfather of All’), commonly referred to as Mt. Ramelau.
Although many PA issues are discussed, the focus of this Sustainable Management Plan (SMP) is the ‘Tourist Eco-Trail’ accessible from Hatu-Builico that leads to the Mt. Ramelau summit, buffer areas on both sides, and associated areas of congregation.
Centrally located in Timor-Leste, Mt. Ramelau is Timor’s highest mountain standing at 2,986 m ASL (9,798 ft.), located 40 km south of the Timor-Leste’s capital Dili. According to the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), initial international designation of the Mt. Ramelau Protected Area (PA) occurred in the year 2000, however it took 16 years to be legally recognized under Timor-Leste law.
Management of the Mt. Ramelau PA has not yet operationally reached required international standards for final classification.

Year: 2022
Organisation/s: USAID’s Tourism For All Project
Language: English