USAID has contracted a Consultancy under its Tourism For All Project to promote Timor-Leste’s tourism sector and preserve the country’s rich cultural heritage and natural
environment. A core element More… of this program is to support the Government of Timor-Leste
(GOTL) to facilitate private investment partnerships and foster sustainability in the tourism
sector. USAID’s Tourism For All Project follows the National Tourism Policy document, titled
‘Growing Tourism to 2030: Enhancing a National Identity 2017’.
This policy in turn takes on board
the GOTL’s primary national development policy agenda, the ‘Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030’.
The recently prepared Priority Project Action Plan Report outlines five fast-tracked tourism-related initiatives to complement the Cristo Rei Modernization and Management Pilot Project
under USAID’s Tourism For All Project. These projects will improve service delivery in the
tourism sector by creating an ecosystem of small and large investments in businesses in various
activities across intersecting industry value chains. One of the priority projects is the Dili Port
Site Redevelopment and Commercialization initiative, which forms the subject of this report.

Year: 2021
Organisation/s: USAID’s Tourism For All Project
Language: English