The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Timor-Leste (2011-2020)

This National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is Timor-Leste’s guiding
framework to conserve its biodiversity and serves as safeguard in achieving the
country’s development agenda in the More… next two decades.
The NBSAP is closely anchored on the National Strategic Development Plan (SDP)
of Timor-Leste (2011-2030). It is consistent with the country’s other sectoral policy
frameworks such as the National Adaptation Programme of Action on Climate Change
(December 2010), the National Action Programme to Combat Land Degradation
(February 2009), the Fisheries Sector Plan and the Forestry Sector Plan.
The NBSAP is also a guiding policy framework for district and sub-district
authorities, civil society and the private sector in their approaches to biodiversity
conservation and ecosystems management. The success of implementing the Strategy
involves close coordination among the key directorates of government concerned in
biodiversity conservation and natural resources management, relevant economic sectors
of the government, and with the private sector. It also involves updating of current
programmers and setting priorities for programming and funding.

Year: 2011
Organisation/s: Government of Timor Leste, Ministry of Economy and Development
Language: English