
Located within the famous Coral Triangle, Timor-Leste has some of the most pristine, ecologically diverse and least explored dive sites on the globe.

The marine life is abundant with colourful hard and soft corals as well as a vivid array of reef fish.

Open water species such as tuna and mackerel are encountered along with harmless reef and whale sharks, manta rays, turtles and the more elusive dugongs.

In more sheltered sites you’ll marvel at the variety of fascinating smaller critters – displaying weird and wonderful shapes and colours.

Reefs run close to the shore along much of Timor-Leste’s northern coast, immediately in front of the capital Dili and around Atauro and Jaco Islands. Sites range from more sheltered and gently sloping fringing reefs to magnificent wall diving with underwater cliffs plunging into the abyss.

Most of the best dive sites are very accessible – some requiring just a short swim from the beach.

Warm tropical waters provide excellent visibility all year around

Mission and Vision

To develop a world-class, prosperous, sustainable and
equitable marine tourism sector built upon the
protection, celebration and understanding of TimorLeste’s globally-significant marine ecosystems and
cultural heritage


While Timor-Leste is a newly, independent nation, it’s rich marine biodiversity, marine wildlife and
near-pristine coastal ecosystems are increasingly attracting world attention. From globally-significant
coral reefs, world-class whale watching opportunities to easily accessible and spectacular ‘reef drop-offs, uncrowded beaches and seas, and intact traditional cultural and village experiences – Timor-este is well-placed to become one of the world’s most exciting, emerging global marine ecotourism
destinations. ATMTL is a non-profit organization that with objective of Supporting and promoting marine-based tourism in Timor-Leste as a world-renowned sustainable tourism destination, with economic benefits flowing to private and public sector and local communities.


Phone: +61 424779374
Email: [email protected]