TL Cetacean Watching Guidelines<\/h2> [if 148 not_equal=\”\”][\/if 148][if 149 not_equal=\”\”] -\u00a0[\/if 149]<\/p> [if 103 not_equal=\”\”]
The presence and diversity of cetaceans in our waters has led to the development of whale watching, both on a commercial and small-scale basis. Whale watching is defined as viewing activities in the natural environment, of any cetacean species from land, sea or air. If managed well, this activity can provide a sustainable income from whales, which can reduce damaging activities, such as the harvesting of pilot whales being carried out in Indonesia, close to Timor-Leste. Whale watching has the potential to generate many benefits to communities, contributing to sustainable development.
[\/if 103]<\/p>
[if 143 not_equal=\”\”]Year:<\/strong> [\/if 143]
[if 144 not_equal=\”\”]Author<\/strong>: [\/if 144]
[if 160 not_equal=\”\”]Organisation\/s:<\/strong>Conservation International (CI), Government of Timor Leste[\/if 160]<\/p>
[if 164 not_equal=\”\”]Language:<\/strong> English[\/if 164]<\/p>“},{“box”:2,”content”:”