Timor-Leste Tourism Research and Development<\/h2> [if 148 not_equal=\”\”][\/if 148][if 149 not_equal=\”\”] -\u00a0[\/if 149]<\/p> [if 103 not_equal=\”\”]
Timor-Leste is a small country, 15,000 km2 and a population just over 1 million, with beautiful and varied landscapes. Ithastropicalwatersrichinmarinelife,somewhitesandybeachesandruggedhillcountry/ mountainranges. Naturalfeaturesincludecavessystemsandhotwatersprings. Itisculturallyinteresting with Portuguese colonial heritage, resistance history and Timorese culture. Timorese are generally extremelyfriendlyandverywelcomingtovisitors,especiallyinthedistricts. A’trickle’ofinternationalholiday makers to this ‘new’ destination is definitely starting to emerge and these are arriving for quite a diverse range of reasons.
[\/if 103]<\/p>
[if 143 not_equal=\”\”]Year:<\/strong> 2014[\/if 143]
[if 144 not_equal=\”\”]Author<\/strong>: Robyn Jebson[\/if 144]
[if 160 not_equal=\”\”]Organisation\/s:<\/strong>Business Opportunities and Support Services (BOSS) Project, ILO, Irish Aid, New Zealand MFAT[\/if 160]<\/p>
[if 164 not_equal=\”\”]Language:<\/strong> English[\/if 164]<\/p>“},{“box”:2,”content”:”