

[if 148 not_equal=\”\”]GUESTHOUSE OPERATORS TOURISM TRAINING MODULE 1[\/if 148][if 149 not_equal=\”\”] -\u00a0TRAINER – RESOURCES 2[\/if 149]<\/p>

[if 103 not_equal=\”\”]

You will notice that each activity in each lesson plan has been assigned an individual reference
number. “is is to make it easy for you to locate the matching activity description in the
activity guide. “e activity reference number tells you the day, session and place within the
session of any given activity. For example, an activity with the reference 1.2.3 would be
delivered on day 1, session 2, and the third activity within that session.
Activities have all been assigned quick references so you can easily see if they are small group,
pair, individual or large group exercises.

[\/if 103]<\/p>

[if 143 not_equal=\”\”]Year:<\/strong> 2014[\/if 143]
[if 144 not_equal=\”\”]Author<\/strong>: Jocelyn Condon[\/if 144]
[if 160 not_equal=\”\”]Organisation\/s:<\/strong>Irish Aid, New Zealand MFAT[\/if 160]<\/p>

[if 164 not_equal=\”\”]Language:<\/strong> English[\/if 164]<\/p>“},{“box”:2,”content”:”





[if 148 not_equal=\”\”]Hadia ita nia Negocio[\/if 148][if 149 not_equal=\”\”] -\u00a0Setor Turismo no Hospitalidade[\/if 149]<\/p>

[if 103 not_equal=\”\”]

Programa Hahú no Hadi’ak Ita-nia Negósiu (HHIN nu’udar programa treinamentu ba empreza ki’ik
ne’ebé dezenvolvidu liu hosi Organizasaun Traballu Internasionál (ILO) ho nia implementasaun iha
lia rain atus ida iha mundu tomak. Ne’e programa treinamentu ba empreendedorizmu no jestaun ba
negósiu-ki’ik potensiál no ezistente.

[\/if 103]<\/p>

[if 143 not_equal=\”\”]Year:<\/strong> [\/if 143]
[if 144 not_equal=\”\”]Author<\/strong>: [\/if 144]
[if 160 not_equal=\”\”]Organisation\/s:<\/strong>ILO, Irish Aid, New Zealand MFAT[\/if 160]<\/p>

[if 164 not_equal=\”\”]Language:<\/strong> Tetun[\/if 164]<\/p>“},{“box”:2,”content”:”




Timor-Leste Tourism Research and Development<\/h2>

[if 148 not_equal=\”\”][\/if 148][if 149 not_equal=\”\”] -\u00a0[\/if 149]<\/p>

[if 103 not_equal=\”\”]

Timor-Leste is a small country, 15,000 km2 and a population just over 1 million, with beautiful and varied landscapes. Ithastropicalwatersrichinmarinelife,somewhitesandybeachesandruggedhillcountry/ mountainranges. Naturalfeaturesincludecavessystemsandhotwatersprings. Itisculturallyinteresting with Portuguese colonial heritage, resistance history and Timorese culture. Timorese are generally extremelyfriendlyandverywelcomingtovisitors,especiallyinthedistricts. A’trickle’ofinternationalholiday makers to this ‘new’ destination is definitely starting to emerge and these are arriving for quite a diverse range of reasons.

[\/if 103]<\/p>

[if 143 not_equal=\”\”]Year:<\/strong> 2014[\/if 143]
[if 144 not_equal=\”\”]Author<\/strong>: Robyn Jebson[\/if 144]
[if 160 not_equal=\”\”]Organisation\/s:<\/strong>Business Opportunities and Support Services (BOSS) Project, ILO, Irish Aid, New Zealand MFAT[\/if 160]<\/p>

[if 164 not_equal=\”\”]Language:<\/strong> English[\/if 164]<\/p>“},{“box”:2,”content”:”

