Timor- Leste Tourism Barometer 2018<\/h2> [if 148 not_equal=\”\”][\/if 148][if 149 not_equal=\”\”] -\u00a0[\/if 149]<\/p> [if 103 not_equal=\”\”]
In support of next steps, this Tourism Barometer has been developed to provide a
situational analysis that guides tourism development in the country. It is critical that
there is wide participation in the development of The Barometer by public and
private stakeholders. Consultations have already been held with both the 7th and
8th Constitutional Governments, and two Timor-Leste Tourism Symposia were held
in October 2017 on the topics of tourism partnership and destination marketing.
It is envisaged that The Barometer is a living document and will therefore require
ongoing consultation among stakeholders to absorb refinements and encourage
continuity. Ideally, The Barometer will become a guiding document for any future
tourism-specific public-private partnership arrangements that may be established,
such as a Tourism Authority of Timor-Leste (TATL) or similar.
[\/if 103]<\/p>
[if 143 not_equal=\”\”]Year:<\/strong> 2018[\/if 143]
[if 144 not_equal=\”\”]Author<\/strong>: [\/if 144]
[if 160 not_equal=\”\”]Organisation\/s:<\/strong>Government of Timor Leste, Ministry of Tourism, New Zealand MFAT, The Asia Foundation[\/if 160]<\/p>
[if 164 not_equal=\”\”]Language:<\/strong> English[\/if 164]<\/p>“},{“box”:2,”content”:”